Ghostwriting is like a box of chocolates...
October 22, 2024

Before I get to the punchline, let me ask you a question: if you're looking for a good ghostwriter, what exactly are you expecting to find?
As one of The Best Ghostwriters for many years, I already know the answer, but let's explore the frontier a bit so we can get there together.
After all, they say it's not the destination, but the journey that matters.
(I say they're both pretty important and why should you have to choose one or the other?
Personally I'd like to have a good time getting there and have a good time once I arrive, too!)
But back to my original question: the reason I ask is because there seems to be a lot of people out there looking for a ghostwriter, but there also seems to be a lot of peddlers hawking their wares like snake-oil salesmen in the town square.
One website might promise to write your book for $599, another says $499, and so on.
Who can you believe?
None of those websites, that's for sure.
Writing a book takes time and skill, and there has never been nor will there ever be a well-written book completed for such a ridiculously low price.
You get what you pay for.
So if it seems like the wild west out there, how does a tenderfoot find a straight shooter?
Well, there's a new sheriff in town (actually an old sheriff with a new blog post, but stick with me here) who'd like to set things right.
If you're looking to hire a good ghostwriter, what you need to do is actually talk to a few ghostwriters.
Skip the hucksters and charlatans and salesmen and just talk to an actual person who makes their living as a ghostwriter. Not a hobbyist. Don't get me started on hobbyists. Those sites with "freelancers" that work super cheap are, get what you pay for.
And make sure you hire an individual, not a company. A company has overhead, which means half of your money will go to the company and half to the person actually doing the writing.
So if the company takes half the fee, that means only half your money will go into the work.
And say it with get what you pay for.
The Best Ghostwriters, for example, is a group of independent ghostwriters. Real human beings who make their living helping people like you tell their story. Not hobbyists, hucksters, or bots.
So talk to a few ghostwriters and ask lots of questions and find someone you like.
Someone who matches up well with both you and your project.
Because ghostwriting is like a box of chocolates...
If you want nuts, don't pay for caramels.
Unless the caramels have nuts. Like those turtles. Man, those turtles are tasty.
And if you need help with your book or screenplay, call or email The Best Ghostwriters.
You'd be nuts not to.